Tijana Tomašević Ilić

Dr Tijana Tomašević Ilić
Research Associate
Laboratory for 2D materials
Center for Solid State Physics and New Materials,
Institute of Physics Belgrade, University of Belgrade,
Pregrevica 118, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Research field
Material Science, Surface Science, Applied Physics
- 2019. Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia
Ph.D. Thesis: Surface modification of liquid phase exfoliated graphene deposited by Langmuir-Blodgett method - 2015. MSc in Physical Chemistry
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia
MSc. Thesis: Silver film on nanocrystalline TiO2 support: synthesis, characterization, and antimicrobial ability - 2011. BSc in Physical Chemistry
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia
BSc. Thesis: Micro-Raman spectroscopy of byzantine ceramics enamels
- Institute of Physics Belgrade 2020 Research Associate
- Institute of Physics Belgrade 2019 – 2020 Research Assistant
- Institute of Physics Belgrade 2016 – 2019 Junior Research Assistant
National and International Projects
Principal Investigator:
- Science Fund of Republic of Serbia – PRISMA project “2D Material-based Tiled Network Films for Heritage Protection (2023-2026)
- Bilateral project between Republic of Serbia and Austria “Magnetism Modulation of Self-Assembled Graphene Films for Wastewater Treatment” (2022-2024)
- The Serbia Accelerating Innovation and Growth Entrepreneurship (SAIGE) Project at Institute of physics Belgrade “Optimization of iron bio-nanoparticles synthesis using bacteria”(2024)
- The Serbia Accelerating Innovation and Growth Entrepreneurship (SAIGE) Project at Institute of physics Belgrade “Graphene-impregnated wood with increased biological resistance and durability” (2023-2024)
- DAAD bilateral project between Republic of Serbia and Germany “Engineering of TMDCs for solar cells” (2020-2021)
- DAAD bilateral project between Republic of Serbia and Germany “Thin films of liquid phase exfoliated TMDs for gas sensing” (2020-2021)
- Proof of Concept, project of Innovation Fund, Republic of Serbia – Project ID 5574 “Nano-reinforced wood for structural elements” (2020-2021)
- Project of Ministry of education, science and technological development of Republic of Serbia OI171005 “Physics of ordered nanostructures and new materials in photonics” (2010-2019)
- Liquid-phase exfoliation of 2D materials, controlled deposition of nanomaterials into thin films – Langmuir-Blodgett technique, spray, and spin coating, defect engineering by chemical doping and surface modification of 2D materials by various covalent and noncovalent strategies
- Nanomaterials characterization – UV/VIS spectrophotometry, Raman spectroscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), and transport measurements.
Selected publications
- Kangho Lee, Beata M Szydłowska, Oliver Hartwig, Kevin Synnatschke, Bartlomiej Tywoniuk, Tomáš Hartman, Tijana Tomašević-Ilić, Cian P Gabbett, Jonathan N Coleman, Zdeněk Sofer, Marko Spasenović, Claudia Backes, Georg S Duesberg, Highly conductive and long-term stable films from liquid-phase exfoliated platinum diselenide, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 11 (2023) 593-599.
- Djordje Jovanović, Miloš Petrović, Tijana Tomašević-Ilić, Aleksandar Matković, Matevž Bokalič, Marko Spasenović, Konstantinos Rogdakis, Emmannuel Kymakis, Dragan Knežević, Lucio Cinà, Radoš Gajić, Long-term stability of graphene/c-Si Schottky-junction solar cells, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 258 (2023) 112414.
- Milošević Ivana, Vujin, Jasna, Muhammad Zubair Khan, Thomas Griesser, Christian Teichert, Tomašević-Ilić Tijana, Fe-nanoparticle-modified Langmuir-Blodgett Graphene Films for Pb(II) Water Purification, The 21th Symposium on Condesed Matter Physics-SFKM 2023, 26-30 June, Belgrade, Serbia, p.87
- Stevan Andrić, Tijana Tomašević-Ilić, Marko V Bošković, Milija Sarajlić, Dana Vasiljević-Radović, Milče M Smiljanić, Marko Spasenović, Ultrafast humidity sensor based on liquid phase exfoliated graphene, Nanotechnology 32 (2020) 025505.
- Tijana Tomašević-Ilić, Đorđe Jovanović, Igor Popov, Rajveer Fandan, Jorge Pedrós, Marko Spasenović and Radoš Gajić, Reducing sheet resistance of self-assembled transparent graphene films by defect patching and doping with UV/ozone treatment, Applied Surface Science 458 (2018) 446–453.
Conference organizing
- Member of the organizing committee of the international conference “The 21h Symposium on Condensed Matter Physics”, 26-30. June 2023., Belgrade
Teaching expirience and student advising
- Dr Tomašević-Ilić is currently the co-supervisor of MSc. thesis under the title “Preparation of Langmuir-Blodgett graphene films with different defect density and their characterization by Raman and EPR Spectroscopy” at the Faculty of Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade.