Title: "Electric field and UV light assisted polymerization of 3D printed dental PMMA composite with graphene and hexagonal boron nitride"
Program: Internal call within the Serbia Accelerating Innovation and Growth Entrepreneurship Project (SAIGE)
Project duration: 2024. - 2024.
PI: Dr Radmila Panajotović
Title: "Reinvention of the diagnostic algorithm and treatment options for reactivated toxoplasmosis"
(Acronym: ToxoReTREAT)
Program: PRISMA
Sub-program: Biomedical sciences
Project No: 7328
Project duration: 01.12.2023. - 30.11.2026.
Leading institution: Institute for Medical Research, National Institute of Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade (IMI), Serbia
Principal investigator: Dr Tijana ŠTAJNER, Institute for Medical Research, National Institute of Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade (IMI), Serbia
Partnering institutions:
- Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade (MFUB), Belgrade, Serbia
- Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade (FPHUB), Belgrade, Serbia
- Institute of Physics Belgrade (IPB), Univ. of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
Participants from IPB: Dr Andjelija ILIĆ, Jelena TRAJKOVIĆ
Selected publication: https://doi.org/10.3390/fractalfract8030175
Title: "2D Material-based Tiled Network Films for Heritage Protection" - 2DHeriPro
Program: PRIZMA, Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia
Project duration: 2023. - 2026.
PI: Dr Tijana Tomašević-Ilić
Project web site: 2DHeriPro (ipb.ac.rs)
Protecting cultural heritage from deterioration is a challenge recognized by the international community and represented by one of the 169 UN specific targets. Due to the implications in identity, history, and economy, heritage decay affects all society in general. Our multidisciplinary approach covers the development of new materials in response to real conservation needs, testing such materials, and assessing their heritage impact. The core of the 2DHeriPro consists in developing ultrathin films from 2D materials, compatible with the composition, color, and texture of historical remains, produced in an inexpensive and scalable method, that offers long-term protection against external influences recognized as key parameters of heritage deterioration. The proposed research will make a scientific breakthrough in understanding physical and chemical processes governing the novel 2D material films to address the conservation of wall paintings and decorative mortar used by both traditional and contemporary artists. Expected results of the project are to provide a deep insight into the interaction of the new generation of 2D materials with the environment and establish a new database that will set the path for the future architecture of 2D-based materials that can be used for building durable protective coatings.
Title: "Dynamics of CDW transition in strained quasi-1D systems" - DYNAMIQS
Program: PROMIS
Project duration: 2023. - 2025.
PI: Ana Milosavljević
Quasi-low dimensional materials that exhibit both charge density wave and superconducting states, offer a unique platform to investigate the interplay between these two phenomena and explore their quantum properties. Such materials provide opportunities for developing advanced devices with multifunctional capabilities, where charge density wave and superconductivity can be controlled and tuned. By gaining a deeper understanding of how mechanical deformation influences these properties, we can unlock their potential for customized functionalities, and contribute to the development of innovative field of (opto)electronic devices, advanced sensor technologies, energy conversion systems, and quantum computing.
DYNAMIQS Project is focused on tuning Fermi surface instabilities in transition metal trichalcogenides, specifically ZrTe3 and its derivatives, ZrTe3-xSex, Zr1-xHfxTe3, CuxZrTe3 and NixZrTe3 by application of an uniaxial strain field. By utilizing strain, our aim will be to optimize desired physical properties and gain insights into the interplay between lattice, spin, and charge excitations. We will employ inelastic light scattering setup, and study these excitations simultaneously as a function of external parameters such as temperature and the symmetry breaking strain field.
Title: "Synthesis and characterization of ternary Van der Waals MoxWx-1S2 nanotubes for advanced field emission application"
Program: Bilateral project between Serbia and Slovenia
Project duration: 2023. - 2025.
PI: Bojana Višić
Inorganic layered materials, where atomic or molecular layers are formed by atoms held together in-plane by covalent or ionic bonds, and out-of-plane via weak van der Waals interactions, are abundant in nature. While readily found in a three-dimensional (3D) structure, these inorganic materials regained popularity when, after isolation of graphene in 2004, it was shown that they can be exfoliated as well in a 2D form (Novoselov et al., PNAS 102 (2005)). Furthermore, these materials have been synthesized in a nanotube (NT) or fullerene-like morphologies back in 1992, making them available in 3D, 2D and quasi-1D form (Tenne et al., Nature 360, 6403 (1992)). This family of materials is extremely versatile, as they can range from being paramagnetic, diamagnetic, ferro- or antiferromagnetic depending on the phase. Furthermore, their bandgaps can range from IR to UV throughout the visible range, making them metallic to semiconducting or insulating in nature. These properties make them interesting candidates for assembling into stacked heterostructures or alloys, combining the properties of individual material into a hybrid structure.
In this project, we will attempt a one-pot synthesis of ternary transitional metal dichalcogenides, with main focus on MoxW1-xS2 and NbxTa1-xS2. The chemical transport reaction inside quartz ampules has been used at Institute Jozef Stefan (IJS) for pioneering syntheses of various inorganic nanotubes and nanowires. This approach will be modified in order to obtain hybrid materials in form of nanotubes or ribbons. The motivation behind this synthesis route is the simplicity behind the one-pot growth and the resulting highly crystalline structures. Here, by growing the material inside a closed quartz ampule at nearly equilibrium conditions and with very slow growth rate, one can minimize the density of inbuilt structural defects and simultaneously obtain different morphologies of the material: flakes, nanotubes, nanoribbons, and scrolls. MoxW1-xS2 hybrid material is chosen as the starting material since the properties of both constituents (MoS2 and WS2) are well known, with the rising interest in their heterostructures in recent years.
Temperature-dependent Raman spectroscopy will be used to study the changes in phonon behaviour in such hybrid materials. Using density functional theory (DFT) calculations, the lattice dynamic will be studied. Their electrical properties will be determined and a single-nanotube transistor will be made. With field-effect transistors already prepared from both MoS2 and WS2 (Levi et al, Nano Lett 13 (2013); Fathipour, APL 106 (2015)), it can be expected that their hybrid has a potential as a component for optoelectronic devices. In the case of NbxTa1-xS2, since both NbS2 and TaS2 are materials that sustain charge density waves (CDW), their hybrid can be interesting to study with respect to modification of CDWs with composition change.
Title: Elimination of respirable airborne particles, microplastics, microorganisms, and VOCs by ionization of indoor air and filtration systems: comprehensive investigation for reliable technological answers (Acronym: IonCleanTech)
Program: Green Program of Cooperation between Science and Industry
Project number: 5661
Project duration: 15.05.2023. - 14.05.2025.
Principal investigator: Dr Predrag KOLARŽ, Institute of Physics Belgrade, Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia
Partnering institutions:
- School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
- School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
Participants from IPB: Dr Predrag KOLARŽ, Dr Andjelija ILIĆ, Dr Mira ANIČIĆ UROŠEVIĆ, Jelena TRAJKOVIĆ
Project website: https://ioncleantech.my.canva.site/home
Title: "Nonthermal Phase transitions in 2D Gallium Sulphide for Applications in Next-Generation Devices"
Program: Multilateral Scientific and Technological Cooperation between Austria, Serbia and Montenegro
Project duration: 2023. - 2025.
PI: Dr Vladimir Damljanović
Abstract: The task of the project is to induce 2H – 1T phase transition in monolayer GaS without temperature change. One layer of GaS consists of 4 planes aranged in the following way: S-Ga-Ga-S. The task of the project is to induce swithing of upper S-plane by approximately half a unit cell. The characterisation can be made with measuring Raman-scattering light and AFM. The experiment would be supported by numerical and theoretical calculations.
Title: "Graphene-impregnated wood with increased biological resistance"
Program: Internal call within the Serbia Accelerating Innovation and Growth Entrepreneurship Project (SAIGE)
Project number: 0801-1185/1
Project duration: 01.09.2023.-30.04.2024.
PI: Dr Ivana Milošević
Abstract. Wood is an abundant and eco-friendly natural resource. It has the ability to retain atmospheric carbon dioxide for extended periods, resulting in products with a low carbon footprint. Furthermore, the energy required to manufacture wood-based objects is significantly lower compared to steel or concrete. Therefore, increasing the utilization of wood can actively contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, making it a viable strategy for combatting climate change. However, wood is susceptible to various environmental factors, including climate change, pollutant exposure, and fungal organisms, which can alter its physical and chemical properties. To address these limitations, modern wood applications focus on overcoming/minimizing these shortcomings through eco-friendly modifications. An innovative approach involves the use of nanomaterials, such as graphene, to impregnate wood. Graphene possesses exceptional properties, including anti-fungal characteristics. The impregnation technique utilizing water-based graphene dispersions aims to enhance the durability of wood and inhibit the formation of fungi on its surfaces. Implementing this innovation offers a simple and environmentally acceptable method for modifying wood and enhancing its biological resistance without compromising its essential qualities. Overall, the proposed impregnation technique represents an innovative solution to enhance wood's properties and address its limitations, ultimately promoting sustainability in various sectors.
Title: "Millimetre wave wireless systems featuring antennas with orbital angular momentum (OAM) multiplexing" (Acronym: OAM-MUX)
Program: Project of Bilateral Cooperation with Germany
Project duration: 01.01.2023. - 31.12.2024.
Principal investigator on the side of Germany: Prof. Dr Eckhard GRASS, IHP – Leibniz-Institut für innovative Mikroelektronik, Im Technologiepark 25, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, Berlin, Germany
Principal investigator on the side of Serbia: Prof. Dr Milan M. ILIĆ, School of Electrical Engineering (ETF), University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
Participants: Prof. Dr Milan M. ILIĆ (ETF), Dr Andjelija ILIĆ (IPB), Dr Slobodan SAVIĆ (ETF), Jelena TRAJKOVIĆ (IPB), Darko NINKOVIĆ (ETF), Prof. Dr Eckhard GRASS (IHP), Nebojša MALETIĆ (IHP), Prof. Dr Miloš KRSTIĆ (IHP)
Selected publication: https://doi.org/10.1002/dac.5623
Title: "Multiferroic Perovskite-Based Nanostructures for EMI Shielding and Photovoltaic Applications"
Program: Bilateral project between Serbia and India
Project duration: 2022. - 2024.
PI: Dejan Djokić
This project focuses on addressing the adverse effects of Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) emitted from Photovoltaic (PV) devices in residential solar panels. Traditional materials used in PV systems are limited in their ability to shield against EMI while meeting efficient PV requirements. This project focuses on utilizing nanoscaled multiferroic BiFeO3 as a prospective candidate due to its unique properties, such as a narrow and tunable bandgap and high remnant polarization. The study intends to synthesize nanoscaled BiFeO3 and related heterostructured polymer composites doped with various metals to optimize their bandgap and conduction properties. Structural, optical, PV, and EMI-shielding properties of these materials will be investigated using non-invasive spectroscopic techniques such as Raman and Infrared spectroscopy, along with current-voltage and shielding effectiveness measurements. Collaboration between Indian and Serbian research groups will facilitate the synthesis and characterization of BiFeO3 nanostructures and composites. Additionally, the project aims to train young scientists in solar cell technology research through educational activities, ultimately enhancing both countries' abilities to contribute to future renewable energy projects and EM radiation protection priorities.
Title: "Magnetism Modulation of Self-Assembled Graphene Films for Wastewater Treatment"
Program: Bilateral project beetween Serbia and Austria
Project number: 337-00-577/2021-09/50
Project duration: 2022. - 2024.
PI: Dr Tijana Tomašević-Ilić
Title: Characterization of 2D-material based composite thin films as active elements for sensing Pb and As pollution in water
Project number: 20217047
Project duration: 2022.
PI: Dr Radmila Panajotović
Title: "European Network for Innovative and Advanced Epitaxy" (OPERA)
Program: COST
Project Number: CA20116
Project duration: 27.09.2021. - 26.09.2025.
Boulevard Thomas Gobert, 91120 Palaiseau, France
List of participants from Center for Solid State and New Materials
Title: "Nano-objects in own matrix – Self composite" (NOOM – SeC)
Program: IDEJE, Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia
Project duration: 2021 - 2024
PI: Dr Nebojša Romčević
With this project, a completely new type of the composite material, Self composite, will be introduced. A nanocomposite is a multiphase solid material where at least one of the phases has one, two or three dimensions of less than 100 nm. Nano-objects, such as nanoparticles, nanofiber and nanoplate, have the potential to revolutionizes the performance of materials and structures. However, their small scale means their (nano-objects) behavior is fundamentally different to that of bulk materials.
Our idea and goal is to produce Self composite in which the dispersed phase is in the nanometric size, with the specificity that the nano-object are formed from the same material, or its parts, such as matrix. Matrix is a multicomponent solid solution or compound which is formed from, for example, two binary components AB and AC. Monocrystal solid solution AB1-xCx, or similar compound, do not exist for every value of x, i.e., the solubility of one phase into the other is limited. The excess of component AC in the starting mixture (over the limit of its solubility) will cause the formation of the solid solution matrix AB1-xCx with the dispersed AC phase in the form of the nano-objects.
Self composites will be produced by using standard methods for the monocrystal growth – Czochralski and Bridgman. Molecular beam epitaxy will be used for the preparation of the thin films. Expected result of the Project is to produce the following self composites (matrix/nano-objects): Bi12GeO20/Bi2O3, Bi12GeO20/GeO2, Bi12SiO20/Bi2O3, Bi12SiO20/SiO2, Cd1-xFexTe1−ySey/FeTe, Pb0.88Mn0.12Te/MnTe, Cd1-xMnxTe/MnTe, Cd1-xMnxGeAs2/MnAs, Zn1-xMnxSnAs2/MnAs, Cd1-xMnxSnAs2/MnAs, Pb1-xSixSeyTe1-y/SiTe, Pb1-x-ySixGdyTe/GdTe. Synthesized self composites will be characterized and results will be analyzed in the frame of the effective medium theory. Functionality and potential application of these materials in the optics, magneto-optics, and in the field of the thermoelectric materials will be examined.
Title: "Continuous inactivation and removal of SARS-CoV-2 in indoor air by ionization" (Acronym: idCOVID)
Program: Special research program on COVID-19, Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia
Project duration: 01.02.2021. - 31.05.2022.
Principal investigator: Dr Predrag KOLARŽ,
Institute of Physics Belgrade, Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia
Partnering institution: School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
Participants from IPB: Dr Predrag KOLARŽ, Dr Andjelija ILIĆ, Dr Saša ĆIRKOVIĆ, Dr Mira ANIČIĆ UROŠEVIĆ, Dr Jasna RISTIĆ-DJUROVIĆ, Dr Nebojša ROMČEVIĆ
Project website: http://idcovid.ipb.ac.rs/Index.pdf
Selected publication: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaerosci.2023.106199
Title: „Strain Effects in Iron Chalcogenide Superconductors“ (StrainedFeSC)
Program: PROMIS, Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia
Project duration: 2020 - 2022
PI: Dr Nenad Lazarević
Project website: Strained FeSC (ipb.ac.rs)
Discovery of superconductivity in the Fe-based materials (FeBSCs) in 2008 brought new excitement in the field of high-Tc superconductors. It gave us new clues in the decades-long struggle for deciphering the mystery behind the high-Tc superconductors. Although much has been learned since, some of the key questions regarding the complex interplay between lattice, magnetism and superconductivity, are still controversial. While posing the challenge, close proximity of the phases in FeBCS can be facilitated through tuning of their properties by applying strain as an additional control parameter. Access to the various degrees of freedom can provide the valuable data needed, not only for pinpointing the generic properties and, possibly, understanding of the FeBSCs, but also for material/device engineering.

(a) Symmetry properties and momentum dependencies of the Raman vertices. Shown are the first and second order vertices for polarization orientations transforming as A1g, B1g and B2g symmetries of the D4h space group. The solid lines represent an idealized two-band Fermi surface of FeBSCs in the 1 Fe unit cell. (b) Phenomenological decomposition of the FeSe B1g Raman data at three characteristic temperatures.
Inelastic scattering of visible light (Raman effect) has the capability to simultaneously probe lattice, charge and spin excitations as well as their mutual interactions and is well established as an indispensable tool for research into high-Tc superconductors. The respective symmetry selection rules allow one to pin down the type of excitation and to get k-resolved information about the electrons [see Fig. (a)]. Through the linear combinations of spectra, measured for different polarization configurations, pure symmetry spectra are calculated [see Fig. (b)]. By varying parameters such as temperature and strain, valuable data incisive for understanding of these (multi-band) systems can be obtained.
While being the member of the FeBSC family with the simplest crystallographic structure, FeSe represents a fascinating example of the interplay between the phases. The superconducting transition temperature ranges from 8.9 K in the bulk to almost 100 K for a monolayer on SrTiO3. This huge increase in Tc was traced back to the combination of different pairing mechanisms.
In the pure B1g symmetry of FeSe single crystals Raman spectra, aside from the response from particle-hole excitations, a strong contribution at energies of order kBT is observed with spectral weight peaking at the nematic phase transition [see Fig. (b)]. Currently, it is not settled whether the fluctuations observed by light scattering are related to spin or charge. Another controversy is about possible two-magnon excitations at about 500 cm-1. Whilst this response can also originate from charge excitations, as in most of the Fe-based compounds, theory and experiment suggest that the observed high-energy excitations can be traced back to localized spins in a nearly frustrated system. If these controversies could be settled, the driving force behind the phase transitions in iron-chalcogenides would be identified.
Title: „Nanometer thin photovoltaics based on plasmonically enhanced van der Waals heterostructures“, PV-Waals
Program: PROMIS, Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia
Project duration: 2020 - 2022
PI: Dr Goran Isić
Project website: https://pv-waals.com/
“Novel approach for designing V2O5-Based graphene nanocomposites: Enhanced energy storage and photocatalytic activity”.
Program: Proof of Concept (PoC), Innovation Fund of the Republic of Serbia
Project number: ID 5619
Project duration: 2020. – 2021.
PI: Natasa Tomic
The main goal of the proposal was to develop new, simple and cost-effective way of the graphene coupling with the vanadium-oxide layered structure, which was expected to boost both energy storage and photocatalytic applications of oxide materials.
Title: "Nano-reinforced wood for structural elements"
Program: PoC, Innovation Fund - Republic of Serbia
Project number: 5574
Project duration: 2020 - 2021
PI: Dr Ivana Milošević
Abstract. Existing technologies in the construction and energy sector search for alternative, more environmentally friendly and stronger materials, and one of the best solutions is wood. The idea of this innovation is the reinforcement of natural wood by treatment with graphene-based materials, thus improving physical and mechanical properties of wood and designing of new high-performance wooden structural material in the environmentally friendly procedure. Graphene is known as incredibly lightweight material while being stronger and stiffer than both steel and carbon fibres. The reinforcement of wood with graphene-based material we suggest in this proposal, is based on the procedure of filling the cavities in wooden material with graphene, leading to better stiffness and strength both parallel and perpendicular to the grain. Based on this process, we can enhance the physical and mechanical properties of the natural wood and provide completely new structural material. This process of graphene wood reinforcing joins together traditional structure material and new-century nanomaterials. The resulting material will allow substitution of costly, technologically complex, heavyweight elements with limited availability and negative eco-impact with relatively low cost, technologically simpler, stronger, lightweight, wooden products with almost neutral eco-impact in a broad variety of applications.
Title: "Development of robust and efficient LOS-MIMO antenna arrays, adaptive beamforming algorithms, and high performance signal processing for 5G multigigabit broadband wireless communications" (Acronym: 5G-MIMO-Array)
Program: DAAD Project of Bilateral Cooperation with Germany
Project duration: 01.01.2018. - 31.12.2019.
Principal investigator on the side of Germany: Prof. Dr Eckhard GRASS, IHP – Leibniz-Institut für innovative Mikroelektronik, Im Technologiepark 25, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, Berlin, Germany
Principal investigator on the side of Serbia: Dr Andjelija ILIĆ,
Institute of Physics Belgrade (IPB), Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia
Participants: Dr Andjelija ILIĆ (IPB), Dr Slobodan SAVIĆ (IPB-ETF), Prof. Dr Milan M. ILIĆ (IPB-ETF),
Nebojša VOJNOVIĆ (IPB-ETF), Prof. Dr Eckhard GRASS (IHP), Dr Zoran STAMENKOVIĆ (IHP), Nebojša MALETIĆ (IHP)
(Selected publication: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-019-07007-4 )
Title: "Nanoscale electrical properties of van der Waals heterostructures composed of two-dimensional materials and organic semiconductors"
Program: Bilateral project beetween Serbia and Austria
Project number: 451-03-02141/2017-09/32
Project duration: 2018. - 2019.
PI: Dr Borislav Vasić
Title: "Modelling and measuring phase transitions and optical properties for perovskites"
Program: Bilateral project beetween Serbia and Austria
Project number: 451-03-02141/2017-09/31
Project duration: 2018. - 2019.
PI: Dr Jelena Pešić
Title: "Development of a new type of device for electroporation of cells and tissues using ultra short electric pulses"
Program: Innovation project, financed by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development of Serbia
Project number: No. 391-00-16/2017-16/27
Project duration: 01.12.2017. - 30.11.2018.
Principal investigator: Dr Andjelija ILIĆ,
Institute of Physics Belgrade, Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia
In collaboration with the company IMTEL Communication a.d., Belgrade, Serbia,
Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering, Univ. of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia,
and School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
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(Selected publication: https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6463/ac2448 )