Tea Belojica

MSc Tea Belojica

Research Assistant

Laboratory for Solid State Physics

Office phone: /

Center for Solid State Physics and New Materials,
Institute of Physics Belgrade, University of Belgrade,
Pregrevica 118, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia




Research field

Raman scattering of strongly correlated electron systems: superconductors; (Quasi)2D materials;


2022 –  PhD Studies, Faculty of Physics,  Condensed Matter Physics and Statistical Physics; Supervisor: dr Ana Milosavljević

2020 – 2021     MSc,  Faculty of Physics, Theoretical and Experimental Physics
Thesis: Inelastic Light Scattering in InSiTe3; Supervisor: dr Nenad Lazarević


2022 – present Research Assistant

National Projects

2024 -  present   
The Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia: 10925, "Dynamics of CDW transition in strained quasi-1D systems - DYNAMIQS"

International scientific collaboration projects


Selected publications