Jelena Pesic

PhD Jelena Pešić
Associate Research Professor
Laboratory for 2D materials
Room 146B
Office phone: +381 11 3713148
Center for Solid State Physics and New Materials,
Institute of Physics Belgrade, University of Belgrade,
Pregrevica 118, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Research field
Ab-initio calculations of layered and 2D materials
- Electronic, vibrational, mechanical and structural properties
- Electron-phonon interaction and superconductivity in 2D and layered materials
- Strain effects in low-dimensional systems
Density Functional Theory: GPU application, HPC and High Troughput computation, automatization and machine learning methods for material science
2D material synthesis and characterization: 2D materials synthesis by mechanical exfoliation and characterization, dry transfer technique for heterostructure building, AFM/KPFM
2013 – 2017 PhD Studies, Faculty of Physics, Condensed Matter Physics
Thesis: Investigation of Superconductivity in Graphene and Related Materials using Ab-Initio Methods; Supervisor: dr Radoš Gajić
2005 – 2013 Dipl/M.Sc. Physics, Faculty of Physics, Theoretical and Experimental Physics
Thesis: Application of GPU programming in Density Funtctional Theory calculations; Supervisor: dr Radoš Gajić
Institute of Physics Belgrade 2013 - 2014 Ph.D. student/ Research Trainee
Institute of Physics Belgrade 2014 - 2018 Research Assistant
Institute of Physics Belgrade 2018 - 2023 Research Associate
Montanuniversität Leoben 2023 - 2024 PostDoctoral Researcher
Institute of Physics Belgrade 2023 - Research Associate Professor
Grants and scholarships
The Austrian Academy of Sciences’ Joint Excellence in Science and Humanities (JESH) programme - Johannes Kepler University, Linz Austria - September - December 2021 -Research grant
Advanced Workshop on High-Performance & High-Throughput Materials Simulations using Quantum ESPRESSO, 16-27. Jan 2017, ICTP Trieste Italy - scholarship
School on Electron-Phonon Physics from First Principles, 19.-23. March 2018, ICTP Trieste Italy - scholarship
School Workshop on Crystal Structure Prediction: Exploring the Mendeleev Table as a Palette to Design New Materials 14. -18. January 2019, ICTP Trieste Italy - scholarship
National Projects
2024-2026 - Bilateral exchange project with MontanUniversitaet, Leoben Austria 337-00-216/2023-05/258
2023-2025 - Multilateral Scientific And Technological Cooperation In The Danube Region: "Nonthermal Phase transitions in 2D Gallium Sulphide for Applications in Next-Generation Devices"
2023-2026 - Science Fund of Republic of Serbia – PRIZMA project “2D Material-based Tiled Network Films for Heritage Protection – 2DHeriPro”
2023-2024 - The Serbia Accelerating Innovation and Growth Entrepreneurship (SAIGE) Project at Institute of physics Belgrade – “Graphene-impregnated wood with increased biological resistance and durability”
2023-2025 - Bilateral exchange project with Josef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia “Synthesis and characterization of ternary Van der Waals MoxWx-1S2 nanotubes for advanced field emission application”
2020 - 2023 The Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia: Promis grant number: 6062656 – “StrainedFeSC - Strain effects in iron chalcogenide superconductors”
2020-2021 The Innovation Fund of the Republic of Serbia: Proof of Concept - grant number: 5574 "Nano-reinforced wood for structural elements"
2013 – 2019 Project of Ministry of education, science and technological development of Republic of Serbia OI171005, "Physics of ordered nanostructures and new materials in photonics"
2014-2015 Innovation project of Ministry of education, science and technological development of Republic of Serbia, "Functional inks based on graphene and printing radio-frequent identificatiors (RFID)"
International scientific collaboration projects
Project leader/PI:
2024-2029 Co-PI ERA Chair Horizon “Hidden Phases in 2D Quantum Materials” No 101185375.
2024-2026 Bilateral exchange project with Johannes Kepler University, Linz Austraia “The influence of defects on the electronic, magnetic and topological properties in semimetallic van der Waals transition metal dichalcogenides” 337-00-216/2023-05/228
2018-2020 Bilateral exchange project with Johannes Kepler University, Linz Austria, "Modelling and Measuring Phase transitions and Optical Properties for Perovskites, 451-03-02141/2017-09/31"
2015-2017 Bilateral project with China, University of Shanghai, "Crystal growth and peculiar physics of normal state of ReBCO crystals"
2016-2017 Bilateral project with University at Leoben, Austria, "Two dimensional materials as templates for the growth of organic semiconductors"
2013-2015 DAAD bilateral project 51-03-01858/2013-09/1 between Republic of Serbia and Germany
2015-2018 Project with Texas A&M University Qatar, NPRP 7-665-1-125 Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) project, "Intercalated Graphene: Effects of Substrates on Functionalities"
- Research of physics of layered and 2D materials using ab initio methods (electronic, vibrational, magnetic, mechanical, optical and structural properties, Electron-phonon interaction and superconductivity in 2D and layered materials and strain effects in low-dimensional systems);
- Sample production and characterization (AFM, KPFM, Raman…) of 2D materials
- Dry transfer for 2D materials heterostrucutres production
- Advance computational methods in solid state physics: GPU application, HPC and High Throughput computation, automatization and machine learning methods for material science;
Selected publications
- Pešić J. , Gajić R., Hingerl K. and Belić M., Strain-enhanced superconductivity in Li-doped graphene, EPL 108 67005 (2014)
- V Čelebonović, Pešić, R. Gajić, B Vasić, A Matković, Selected transport, vibrational, and mechanical properties of low-dimensional systems under strain, Journal of Applied Physics 125 (15), 154301 (2019)
- J Pešić, I Popov, A Šolajić, V Damljanović, K Hingerl, M Belić, R Gajić, Ab Initio Study of the Electronic, Vibrational, and Mechanical Properties of the Magnesium Diboride Monolayer, Condensed Matter 4 (2), 37 (2019)
- S Djurdjić-Mijin, A Šolajić, J Pešić, M Šćepanović, Y Liu, A Baum, Cedomir Petrovic, N Lazarević, ZV Popović, Lattice dynamics and phase transition in CrI3 single crystals, Physical Review B 98 (10), 104307, (2018)
- V Damljanovic, N Lazic, A Solajic, J Pesic, B Nikolic and M Damnjanovic Peculiar symmetry-protected electronic dispersions in two-dimensionalmaterials, (2020) J. Phys.: Condens. Matter in press
Reviewing scientific journals
- NJP Computational Materials
- Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A - A Journal of Physical Sciences
- Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
- Applied Nanoscience,
- Annalen der Physik,
- Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter
Teaching expirience and student advising
2023 - present , Holding internship at the Institute of Physics in Belgrade, for a student of the Faculty of Physics and Faculty of Physical Chemistry for undergrad and graduate students
March 2020 – Erasmus+ teaching visit to Johannes Kepler University, Linz Austria
2017 Participated in the master thesis of B.Sc.Andrijana Šolajić titled, Determining the Electron and Phonon Properties of Graphene Doped with Strontium and Iterbium by DFT Method
2017 – present Mentoring MSc. Andrijana Šolajić PhD Thesis
2024 - present Mentoring MSc. Lenka Filipovic PhD Thesis