Ivana Milošević

Dr Ivana Milošević
Research Associate
Laboratory for 2D materials
Room 146a
Office phone: +381 11 3713148
Center for Solid State Physics and New Materials,
Institute of Physics Belgrade, University of Belgrade,
Pregrevica 118, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Research field
- mechanical and liquid phase exfoliation of 2D materials
- fabrication, characterization and chemical doping of thin and transparent films of 2D materials
- heavy metals, bioindicators, dendrochemistry, spectrochemistry
- printed electronics based on 2D materials
2009 - 2014 PhD Studies, Faculty of Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade
Thesis: “Development of the methodology for monitoring multi-annual environmental pollution through the elements accumulation in larch (Larix europaea Lam.) and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii Mirb.) tree-rings and bark”
Supervisor: Prof. Dr Ljubiša Ignjatović
2003 - 2009 M. Sc in Physical Chemistry - Faculty of Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade
1997 - 2003 B. Sc in Physical Chemistry - Faculty of Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade
Since 2019 Head of the Laboratory for 2D Materials
2014 – present Research Associate
2009 – 2014 Research Assistant
2005 – 2009 Research Trainee
National Projects
Project leader/PI:
2023-2024 „Graphene-impregnated wood with increased biological resistance”, Proof of Concept (PoC), internal call within the Serbia Accelerating Innovation and Growth Enterpreneurship Project (SAIGE)
2020-2021 „Nano-reinforced wood for structural element”, Proof of Concept (PoC) Innovation Fund Republic of Serbia
2023 – 2026 „2D Material-based Tiled Network Films for Heritage Protection”- 2DHeriPro, PRIZMA Science Fond of the Republic of Serbia
2010 – 2019 „Physics of ordered nanostructures and new materials in nanophotonics” OI171005 Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic Serbia
2010 – 2018 „Investigation of climate change and its influences on environment- Monitoring the influences, adaptation and offsets” III 43007 Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic Serbia
2014 – 2015 „Functional inks based on graphene and printing radio-frequent identificators (RFID)“ Innovation project of Ministry of education, science and technological development of Republic of Serbia
2006 – 2010 „Nonideal laboratory and ionospheric plasma: properties and applications“ OI141033 Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic Serbia
2005 – 2006 „Radiation and transport properties of nonideal laboratory and ionospheric plasma“ ОI 1466 Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic Serbia
International scientific collaboration projects
2020 – 2021 Bilateral project with Germany, „Engineering of TMDCs for solar cells”
2022 – 2024 Bilateral project with Austria, „Magnetism Modulation of Self-Assembled Graphene Films for Wastewater Treatment”
Micromechanical and liquid phase exfoliation, UV-VIS, FTIR, XPS characterization and Raman characterization, wet digestion, ICP-OES, U-shaped DC arc-AES
Selected publications
- Vasić B., Gajić R., Milošević I., Medić Ž., Blagojev M., Opačić M., Kremenović A., Lazić D., Natural two-dimensional pyrophyllite: Nanoscale lubricant, electrical insulator and easily-machinable material, Applied Surface Science, 608:155114 (2023)
- Milošević R., Vasić B., Matković A., Vujin J., Aškrabić S., Kratzer M., Griesser T., Teichert C. And Gajić R., Single-step fabrication and work function engineering of Langmuir-Blodgett assembled fewlayer graphene films with Li and Au salts, Scientific Reports, 10 8476 (2020)
- Matković A., Milošević I.R., Milićević M., Tomašević-Ilić T., Pešić J., Musić M., Spasenović M., Jovanović Đ, Vasić B., Deeks C., Panajotović R., Belić M. and Gajić R., „Enhanced sheet conductivity of Langmuir–Blodgett assembled graphene thin films by chemical doping“, 2D Materials 3 015002 (2016)
- Tomašević-Ilić T., Pešić J., Milošević I.R., Vujin J., Matković A., Spasenović M., Gajić R. „Transparent and conductive films from liquid phase exfoliated graphene“, Optical Quantum and Electronics 48 319 (2016)
- Matković A., Ralević U., Isić G., Jakovljević M.M., Vasić B., Jovanović Dj., Milošević I., Marković D., Gajić R., Spectroscopic elipsometry and the fano resonance modeling of graphene optical parameters, Physica Scripta, T149:014069 (2012)
- Marković D.M., Milošević I.R., Vilotić, Accumulation of Mn and Pb in linden (Tilia Platyphyllos Scop.) bark and wood, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 20 136 (2013);
- Stevanović B., Dražić G., Tomović G., Šinžar-Sekulić J., Melovski Lj., Novović I., Marković D.M., Accumulation of arsenic and heavy metals in some Viola species from an abandoned mine, Alchar, Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Plant Biosystems, 144 644 (2010)
- Marković D.M., Novović I., Vilotić D., Ignjatović Lj., Determination of As in tree-rings of poplar (Populus alba L.) by U-shaped DC arc, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 151 377 (2009)
- Marković D.M., Novović I., Vilotić D., Ignjatović Lj., Determination of Fe, Hg, Mn and Pb in tree-rings of poplar (Populus alba L.) by U-shaped DC arc, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, 81: 1493 (2007);
Reviewing scientific journals
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
International Journal of Global Environmental Issues
Teaching expirience and student advising
Teaching experience:
2023 – 2024 Supervising student practices for the Faculty of Physical Chemistry
2003 – 2005 Elementary school for visually impaired students “Veljko Ramadanović”- chemistry teacher
Member of the PhD Thesis defense committee:
Student: Jasna Vujin, Faculty of Physical Chemistry, 2023