Bojan Stojadinovic

Bojan Stojadinovic

Dr. Bojan Stojadinovic
Associate Research Professor

Nanostructured Matter Laboratory

Center for Solid State Physics and New Materials,
Institute of Physics Belgrade, University of Belgrade,
Pregrevica 118, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

Research field

Fabrication of wide band gap semiconductor and multiferroic nanostructures via Sol-Gel, Hydrothermal and Soft Chemistry Routes: A Comprehensive Study

Characterization of nanosized ceramics, nanopowders, and thin films using Raman spectroscopy and Spectroscopic ellipsometry: Techniques and Interpretations

Investigating Vibrational and Optical Properties in Nanostructures: Theoretical Insights and Numerical Simulations



2012 – 2018: PhD, department Physics of condensed matter and Statistical physics, Faculty of Physics, Belgrade University, Thesis: "Influence of 4f dopants on multiferroic properties of BiFeO3 nanostructures".

2011/2012: M.Sc. Theoretical and experimental physics, Faculty of Physics, Belgrade University, Thesis: "Investigation of the electronic structure nanocrystals of cerium oxide by scanning tunneling microscopy".

2007–2011: Graduated from Computer and Applied Physics department, Faculty of Physics, Belgrade


Professional positions:

2024 – today  Associate Research Professor, Institute of Physics, Belgrade,Serbia

2019 – 2024  Research Assistant Professor, Institute of Physics, Belgrade,Serbia

2013 – 2019  Research assistant, Institute of Physics, Belgrade,Serbia


National Projects

2013 – 2019  Physics of nano-structured oxide materials and strongly-correlated systems, No.171032, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia.


Selected publications

  1. B. Stojadinović, Z. Dohčević-Mitrović, N. Paunović, N. Ilić, N. Tasić, I. Petronijević, D. Popović, B. Stojanović, “Comparative study of structural and electrical properties of Pr and Ce doped BiFeO3 ceramics synthesized by auto-combustion method”, J. Alloy. Compd. 657 (2016) 866–872. M21a, IF 3.133, SNIP 1.321
  2. B. Stojadinović, B. Vasić, D. Stepanenko, N. Tadić, R. Gajić, Z. Dohčević-Mitrović, “Variation of electric properties across the grain boundaries in BiFeO3 film”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 49 (2016) 045309. M21, IF 2.772, SNIP 0.920
  3. N. Ilić, J Bobić, B. Stojadinović, A. Džunuzović, M Vijatović Petrović, Z. Dohčević-Mitrović, B. Stojanović, “Improving of the electrical and magnetic properties of BiFeO3 by doping with yttrium”, Mater. Res. Bull. 77 (2016) 60–69. M21, IF 2.435, SNIP 0.855
  4. Maria Čebela, Dejan Zagorac, Katarina Balatović, Jana Radaković, Bojan Stojadinović, Vojislav Spasojević, Radmila Hercigonja, “BiFeO3 perovskites: A multidisciplinary approach to multiferroics”, Ceram. Int. 43 (2017) 1256-1264. M21a, IF 3.057, SNIP 1.167
  5. Bojan Stojadinović, Zorana Dohčević-Mitrović, Dimitrije Stepanenko, Milena Rosić, Ivan Petronijević, Nikola Tasić, Nikola Ilić, Branko Matović, Biljana Stojanović, “Dielectric and ferroelectric properties of Ho-doped BiFeO3 nanopowders across the structural phase transition”, Ceram. Int. 43 (2017) 16531-16538. M21a, IF 3.057, SNIP 1.167
  6. Dejan M. Djokić, Bojan Stojadinović, Dimitrije Stepanenko, Zorana Dohčević-Mitrović, “Probing charge carrier transport regimes in BiFeO3 nanoparticles by Raman spectroscopy”, Scripta Mater. 181 (2020) 6-9. M21a, IF 4.539, SNIP 1.950
  7. Bojan Stojadinović, Dejan M. Djokić, Novica Paunović, Ivica Živković, Luka Ćirić, Vladan Kusigerski, Zorana Dohčević-Mitrović, “Unvailing the spin–phonon coupling in nanocrystalline BiFeO3 by resonant two-phonon Raman active modes”, Mater. Sci. Eng. B, 274 (2021) 115444. M21, IF 4.706, SNIP 1.145
  8. Guilhermina Ferreira Teixeira, Heitor Secco Seleghini, Wagner Benício Bastos, Natalia Jacomaci, Bojan Stojadinović, Zorana Dohčević-Mitrović, Flavio Colmati, Miguel Angel San-Miguel, Elson Longo and Maria Aparecida Zaghete, “On the coexistence of ferroelectric and antiferroelectric polymorphs in NaNbO3 fibers at room temperature”, J. Mater. Chem. C, 11 (2023) 5524. M21, IF 8.067, SNIP 1.229
  9. Bojan Stojadinović, Zorana Dohčević-Mitrović, Sonja Aškrabić, Novica Paunović, M. T. Rahul, B. Raneesh, Nandakumar Kalarikkal, “Spin-phonon interaction in nanocrystalline Dy3Fe5O12 probed by Raman spectroscopy: Effects of magnetic ordering”, J. Sci.: Adv. Mater. Devices, 8 (2023) 100600. M21, IF 7.382, SNIP 1.661


Projects and Trainings

CELINA (Chemistry for Electron-Induced Nanofabrication) Training School and 6th Workshop on FEBIP (Focused Electron Beam Induced Processing), Vienna, Austria, July, 2016.

Bilateral project with Physikalisches Institut Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Campus Riedberg, Frankfurt 7th-25th November 2016. In the group of Professor Dr. Michael Huth.

STSM (Short-term scientific missions) project within the COST action CELINA, titled "Ferroelectric properties of BiFeO3 thin films as monitored by nano-granular sensor structures prepared by focused electron beam induced deposition," Physikalishes Institut Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Campus Riedberg, Frankfurt, March 2017. In the group of Professor Dr. Michael Huth.