Andrijana Solajic

MSc Andrijana Šolajić
Research Assistant

Laboratory for 2D materials

Room 146
Office phone: +381 11 3713148

Center for Solid State Physics and New Materials,
Institute of Physics Belgrade, University of Belgrade,
Pregrevica 118, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

Research field

DFT calculations; Electronic structure, Lattice dynamics and optical properties in layered and 2D materials; Strain in 2D materials and heterostructures


2017 – present

PhD Studies, Faculty of Physics,  Condensed Matter Physics; Supervisor: dr Jelena Pešić

2016 – 2017

Master degree, School of Electrical Engineering, Nanoelectronics and photonics module
Thesis: DFT study of electron and phonon properties of Sr and Yb doped graphene

2010 – 2016

Bachelor degree, School of Electrical Engineering, Nanoelectronics and photonics module
Thesis: Electronic structure of strained graphene nanodots


2021 – present

Research Assistant

2018 – 2021

Research Trainee

National Projects

2020 – 2022

"StrainedFeSC - Strain effects in iron chalcogenide superconductors", The Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia: PROMIS, grant number: 6062656

2018 – 2020

"Physics of ordered nanostructures and and new materials in photonics" OI171005, funded by the Ministry of  Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia

2018 – 2020

"Nanostructured multifunctional materials and nanocomposites" III450018, funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia

International scientific collaboration projects

Project Leader/ PI

2024 – 2026

"Exploring spectroscopic fingerprints of defects and dopants in two dimensional magnetic insulators", Bilateral exchange project with Montanuniversität Leoben, Leoben, Austria


2023 – 2025

"Nonthermal Phase transitions in 2D Gallium Sulphide for Applications in Next-Generation Devices", Multilateral Scientific and Technological cooperation in the Danube Region

2023 – 2025

"Synthesis and characterization of ternary Van der Waals MoxW1-xS2 nanotubes for advanced field emission application", Bilateral exchange project with Josef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia

2018 – 2020

"Modelling and measuring phase transitions and optical properties for perovskites", Bilateral exchange project with Johannes Kepler University, Linz Austria

Selected publications

Šolajić A., Pešić J. Tailoring electronic and optical properties of hBN/InTe and hBN/GaTe heterostructures through biaxial strain engineering. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 1081. (2024)

Mijin, S. D., Šolajić, A., Pešić, J., Liu, Y., Petrovic, C., Bockstedte, M., ... & Lazarević, N. Spin-phonon interaction and short-range order in Mn3Si2Te6. Physical Review B107(5), 054309 (2023)

Šolajić, A., Pešić, J., Novel wide spectrum light absorber heterostructures based on hBN/In (Ga) Te. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 34(34), 345301. (2022)

Milosavljević, A., Šolajić, A., Pešić, J., Liu, Y., Petrovic, C., Lazarević, N., and Popović, Z.V. Evidence of spin-phonon coupling in CrSiTe3, Physical Review B 98, 104306 (2018)

Djurdjić-Mijin, S., Šolajić, A., Pešić, J., Šćepanović, M., Liu, Y., Baum, A., Petrovic, C., Lazarević, N., and Popović, Z.V. Lattice dynamics and phase transition in CrI3 single crystals, Physical Review B 98 (10), 104307 (2018).

Conference organizing

Member of the organizing committee of the international conference “The 21st Symposium on Condensed Matter Physics”, 26-30 June 2023., Belgrade

Member of the organizing committee of the workshop “The Workshop Strongly Correlated Electron Systems” 9-10 June 2022., Belgrade

Member of the organizing committee of the international conference “The 20th Symposium on Condensed Matter Physics”, 7.-11. October 2019., Belgrade

Reviewing for scientific journals

2020 – 2023

Electronic Structure


Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures