Zorica Konstantinović

Dr Zorica Konstantinović
Principle Research Fellow

Laboratory for  Solid State Physics

Office phone: +381 11 37 13 000

Center for Solid State Physics and New Materials,
Institute of Physics Belgrade, University of Belgrade,
Pregrevica 118, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia


Research field

strongly correlated systems, spintronics, functional oxide thin films and nanoparticles



1997 – 2000    PhD, Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Université Paris-Sud, Bât. 510, Orsay, France, Thesis: “Influence du dopage sur les propriétés de transport à l'état normal de couches minces de Bi2Sr2Can-1CunO2n+4+y (n=1 et 2). Effet de pseudogap”, Supervisor : prof. Dr Hélène Raffy

1995 – 1996    MSc, Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Thesis: “Two-magnon scattering in Bi2CuO4”, Supervisor: prof. dr Zoran V. Popović

1994 – 1995    DEA Physique des Solides, Université Paris-Sud, France

1989 – 1994    B.Sc. Faculty of Physics, Theoretical Physics, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia


2021 – present    Full Research Professor, Institute of Physics Belgrade

2014 – 2021      Associate Research Professor, Institute of Physics Belgrade

2007 – 2013     Ramon y Cajal researcher, Institute of Material Science Barcelona, Spain

2005 – 2007     Juan de la Cierva researcher, Dpt. of Fundamental Physics, University of Barcelona

2003 – 2004     Postdoctoral researcher, Dpt. of Fundamental Physics, University of Barcelona

2001 - 2003 Ingénieur-chercheur, Service de Physique de l'État Condensee, Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, Saclay, France

2000 - 2001 Postdoctoral researcher, Service de Physique de l'État Condensee, Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, Saclay, France


National Projects

2019 -2022 Generation and detection of pure SPIN CURrents in all-OXide heterostructures: RTI2018-099960-BI00 (SPINCURIOX), funded by Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and University (external collaborator)

2014 – 2020 Nanostructured multifunctional materials and nanocomposites III450018, funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia  (participation)

International scientific collaboration projects

2021 - 2025  COST Action: CA20116, European Network for Innovative and Advanced Epitaxy OPERA (participation)

2015 – 2019  Horizon 2020: Designing Advanced Functionalities through controlled NanoElement integration in OXide thin films (DAFNEOX), 645658 Horizon 2020 EU project (participation)

2007-2012  Ramon y Cajal grant RyC-2006-002933, funded the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, Spain (project leader)


RF sputtering and Pulsed Laser Deposition, Atomic Force Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Transport and magnetic properties


2011, I3 Recognition of Prominent Research Carrier, Ministry of Science and Technology, Spain

1996, Student award of the Institute of Physics in Belgrade for the best MsC thesis, Institute of Physics Belgrade

Selected publications

  1. Bernal-Salamanca, Z. Konstantinović, C. Frontera, V. Fuentes, A. Pomar, Ll. Balcells and B. Martínez, “Formation of Nickel Oxide Nanocuboids in Ferromagnetic La2Ni1-xMn1+xO6”, Nanomaterials 11, 804 (2021) (impact factor 5.076) doi: 10.3390/nano11030804
  2. Bagués, J. Santiso, B. Esser, R. Williams, D. McComb, Z. Konstantinović, L. Balcells, F. Sandiumenge, „The Misfit Dislocation Core Phase in Complex Oxide Heteroepitaxy“, Advances Functional Materials 28, 1704437 (2018) (impact factor 13.325) doi: 10.1002/adfm.201704437.
  3. Pomar, J. Santiso, F. Sandiumenge, J. Roqueta, B. Bozzo, C. Frontera, Ll. Balcells, B. Martínez, Z. Konstantinović, “Growth kinetics engineered magnetoresistance response in La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 thin films“, Applied Physics Letters 104, 152406 (2014) (impact factor 3.302) doi: 10.1063/1.4871984
  4. Konstantinović, F. Sandiumenge, L. Peña, J. Santiso, Ll. Balcells and B. Martínez, Self-organized pyramidal nanopits of manganite thin films as effective surface template for self-assembly of nanoparticles, Nanoscale 5, 1001 (2013) (impact factor 5.91) doi: 10.1039/c2nr33181k
  5. Z. Konstantinović, J. Santiso, Ll. Balcells and B. Martínez, Strain driven Self-Assembled Network of Antidots in complex oxide thin films, Small 5, 265 (2009) (impact factor 6.171) doi: 10.1002/smll.200800814

Teaching expirience and student advising

Teaching experience:

2005– 2006   - Quantum Physics, Dpt. of Fundamental Physics, University of Barcelona, Spain

Student advising:

2017 – 2021    - Monica Bernal, PhD Thesis “Ferromagnetic Insulator Thin Films Based on Ni/Mn Double Perovskite”, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain